First insanity=being a teacher! We finally got into the classroom! It's been a blast, I'm so excited! Mike and Scott, my teaching team, have had very fun lessons. Their content has allowed for very interactive and investigation-based lessons. This has worried me a bit because besides a whole day model project I don't have as interesting of lessons. I'm doing a power point lecture about the layers of the Earth, followed by an activity with the vocabulary I present. Then the next day the students are becoming experts on one layer of the atmosphere and teaching their peers about it in groups. I dunno, I just don't think it's as interesting for them. But, really, the content kind of lends itself to that kind of instruction. So, I dunno. Wish me luck. I'm super excited.
Third craziness. Poor Carrie out in Denver had to have appendix removed and needed someone to come help her out with Jayde and other stuffs. So the grandparents flew out to Denver and they've been there all week. Carrie is doing ok, thank goodness. I hope they stay out there as long as she needs them. We've just had to line up new baby sitters for the week. That hasn't been a problem. Jay's mom and my mom have been very willing to take care of Charlie when we need them to. I've just lost someone to help me take care of Charlie when I'm home. It's been fine, I'm just used to having more help. I don't have someone to immediately answer my questions if I have them or take Charlie when I need to get some homework done. Luckily, there hasn't been much homework this week because we've been teaching. Plus, I've gotten a lot of time with Charlie all to myself, which has been really nice.Still, it'll be nice when Grandma and Grandpa get back. Becka needs them!
Ha! Just got off the phone! They're comin back tomorrow!
Here's the picture of Charlie in his blessing outfit I promised.
Other news? Not much. We got a PS3...... so fun! :D:D:D:D Ta ta for now.